finger consulting team-development

Functional Teams and Integrated Project Teams

Teams exist to achieve results that could not be accomplished by one individual. However, teams often get stuck. Common causes include:

Executive Teams

Many executive teams make the mistake of not paying attention to how the organization or its customers view them. How the team is perceived is key to the team’s success. If there is unresolved conflict or in-fighting, it can affect the success of the enterprise.
Our executive team development programs are customized to meet the specific needs of the team. The teams we work with achieve:
Applying our expertise in human dynamics, communication styles, and collaborative problem-solving, Finger Consulting can help your teams improve their performance and achieve the results your organization needs.
One of the biggest mistakes teams can make is not taking the time to ensure there is a mutual understanding of the team’s purpose/goals. If there is not clarity about the team’s purpose/goals, the team will flounder.
The second mistake many teams make is jumping to the solution phase of a challenge too soon. When analysis is incomplete, the problem has to be solved over and over again, costing the organization both time and money.
The third mistake many teams make is neglecting to develop team process guidelines (we like to call them team agreements). Team Agreements outline how the group will work together and how team members will treat each other.
Finger Consulting will help your teams to avoid these mistakes and get results through:
Finger Consulting uses its on-the-shelf modules to create a customized approach that will meet the needs of your teams and your organization.

Contact us to find out how our team development services can help your organization to achieve results